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Design My Clickable Sunday

My Clickable Sunday

January 15, 2017

With my birthday on Friday, I’ve pushed to have it continue through the weekend {luckily it’s a three day weekend}!  The past year came with so many wonderful memories; purchasing our first home in SF, getting married, & traveling both in the States and abroad. I am so thankful for all the new friends I’ve made and the growth of both My Manicured Life and Julia Goodwin Design. Thank you for your support this past year, it was one to remember.

As always, here are my favorite clickable links from the week.

{{ 9 trendy coats for winter in SF – actually anywhere plus; this one, this one, & this one

{{ Not only is this model gorgeous her new Beverly Hills home isn’t half bad either

{{ My Swiss Family Robinson days could come true in one of these rentals.

{{ Monday off? Get inspired by these 5-Girl Power Documentaries.

{{ Tips on how to style your space with throw pillows. Current favorite pillows here, here, and here.

I hope you have a lovely, manicured Sunday

Images: Bathroom // Living Room // Jacket // Paint & Ribbon

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