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The Perfect Accessory

January 10, 2016

What are perfect accessories? They’re items that belong in every home, despite the style. Many times, when I discuss plants with a client, they love them or they hate them.  I’ve had clients refer to them as overgrown cat toys. Once introduced to the home, however, they realized the benefits immediately.  Let’s take a closer look at plants, shall we? Plant Life Beyond texture and height; this plant, in a mid-century stand, brings a sense of life to the home from…

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Your Best Shelfie

    One of my first jobs after college was designing model homes. When it was time for the install, everything selected for the homes (generally 5-7 homes at once) would arrive and needed to be placed with perfection. One of my favorite yet…

August 7, 2015

My Manicured Life

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