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Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bars

October 23, 2016

Sometimes, a mishap can lead to a delicious result.  When I started creating this treat, I was definitely craving pumpkin but I had also planned on mixing in peanut butter.  The only problem: I could not — with all of my might — open the darn jar! Seriously, could not open it. Ugh. Luckily, I had a jar of pumpkin butter (that I could actually open) in the pantry that would have to do as a substitute. With a late summer in…

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My Clickable Sunday

My Clickable Sunday

I don’t know about you, but during the cooler months, my clothing style completely transitions. All I want is to wear are outfits that make me feel like I fell out of a Ralph Lauren catalog, aka everything equestrian. Every year, without fail, this…

October 16, 2016

3 No-Carve Pumpkin Decorating Ideas

Recently, we embarked on some fall adventures (see here and here). I love this time of year: hot toddy’s, Halloween decor, leaves changing color and the crisp air (even though the last two have yet to arrive due to our Indian Summer, but you…

October 13, 2015

Weekend pickin’

While It’s almost the weekend again, I’m still dreaming of last weekend, the perfect blend of activities and relaxation. After we left the apple orchard (here) last Sunday we decided to drive back to SF along the coast. A sign for Pie Ranch caught our eye,…

October 8, 2015