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Design DIY

Mudcloth Inspired Planters

June 22, 2016

Okay, so there are some little places that I shop that have no actual door fronts and lack store names.  Sounds sketchy, but I promise you it really isn’t.  One of these places is a little gem that I lovingly call “a plant garage sale.”  Doesn’t that sound amazing? That’s because it is! The “shop” only opens on Fridays and only if the gentleman/owner feels like it. When his corporate office clients are done with his plants – out to the sidewalk they go for sale dirt cheap. Along with the plants, you typically can find fantastic pots — the one in this DIY project typically retails for about $70.00 – I got if for $3! I love a good deal.

Mudcloth has been a huge design trend this year – from pillows to the textile being draped over the back of sofas and used as table runners. It’s a rather simple motif; it’s one that can be replicated by even those who don’t consider themselves artistic. Basically, if you can draw a stick figure, you can tackle this project!

DIY Mudcloth Inspired Planters

Photo Jun 17, 2 40 30 PM
Photo Jun 21, 3 09 09 PM

Photo Jun 21, 4 32 58 PM

Photo Jun 21, 5 55 18 PM

Photo Jun 21, 5 44 32 PM

Photo Jun 21, 5 44 02 PM

What you need:

Pot – recommend using one that doesn’t have a high sheen

White paint (recommend a flat finish)


Black sharpie

Paint brush, sponge, or roller for your background paint color


  1. Simply paint the pot the desired color (in my case, white).  Mudcloth is traditionally black or white, but that doesn’t mean it has to be.  Mint green would look pretty great as well, if you ask me!
  2. Once the paint is dry, sketch out the pattern of choice.  If you are nervous, break down the pattern – it’s simple lines and dots overall. If you press lightly, it will erase.
  3. Go over the pencil lines with a black sharpie while being careful not to smudge with your hand.
  4. Once completed, select plant of choice and plant!
  5. Place in an area that gets the right amount of light for the plant you have selected and enjoy/brag to friends about your skills.

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