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Weekend pickin’

October 8, 2015

While It’s almost the weekend again, I’m still dreaming of last weekend, the perfect blend of activities and relaxation. After we left the apple orchard (here) last Sunday we decided to drive back to SF along the coast. A sign for Pie Ranch caught our eye, so we decided to swing through (it does have the word PIE in the name, who wouldn’t stop?).


In the end while we didn’t select any pie, we did come home with a beautiful loaf of bread and veggies.


This bread is anything but simple!

After our stop at Pie Ranch, we drove just a bit further and couldn’t leave without taking home some pumpkins. We pulled over to a farm that had rows and rows of beautiful pumpkins including my favorite little white ones and fairytale pumpkins.


IMG_8720I find that the white pumpkins work beautifully in the most traditional style homes as well as working seamlessly within modern homes!


After selecting a few of them to take home with us, we loaded up the wheel barrel and stopped to admire the little farm animals.


With a car loaded down by pumpkins, veggies, apples and more apples, we decided to stop at the popular Sam’s Chowder House in Half Moon Bay  for a drink and some seafood. After a quick walk on the beach, back to the city we went.


The relaxing weekend ended perfectly with a quick ride on our Vespa to enjoy the view of the Golden Gate Bridge.

I hope you all are having a manicured week and looking forward to your own adventure next weekend!




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