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Room & Board

Lifestyle Scenes From The Week

Scenes From The Week

November 4, 2016

I was so sad to leave England on Monday but it feels good to be back and into work mode { benefit of loving what you do }. With client projects coming to an end and a full load just beginning, I’m trying to focus while also playing catch up.  Though it can’t be all work and no play – luckily receiving happy mail when you return from a trip rather than a stack of bills is always nice.  Room &…

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My Clickable Sunday

My Clickable Sunday

I don’t know about you, but during the cooler months, my clothing style completely transitions. All I want is to wear are outfits that make me feel like I fell out of a Ralph Lauren catalog, aka everything equestrian. Every year, without fail, this…

October 16, 2016
Lifestyle Scenes From The Week

Taking Time and Virtual Hugs

Wedding blues haven’t exactly set in for us now that our big day has come and gone; don’t get me wrong – it was beyond lovely, and we consider ourselves extremely lucky to have not only found one another but to have had our wedding…

October 2, 2016