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Scenes From The Week

Scenes From The Week

August 5, 2016

A true San Francisco summer has hit once again – the fog is rolling in, and I’m wrapping myself up in scarves and jackets.  The colder weather doesn’t make it any less beautiful here in San Francisco; last weekend was full of running around from the beach to downtown for some shopping.  While walking from store to store, taking a moment to look up (photo above) is always necessary.

Time flew by this week with multiple remodels in full swing, prep work for the start of a new project that breaks ground on Monday, and work on collaborations for My Manicured Life.  Friday appeared before I knew it. As I mentioned last week, despite how busy I am, I make sure to take some down time and enjoy life.  “Me time” doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be alone to unwind and do something for yourself – this afternoon I’m going to take a couple hours to meet up with a friend for some much-needed catch-up time while on an urban hike.  It’s not easy to put aside work but it’s so worth it! I’d love to hear from you. What are some of your favorite ways to get in some “me time”?

As always, here are the scenes from the week!

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I can’t help but smile when these roll on by.


A chilly day at Fort Funston with the pups.

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Color inspiration found at a ridiculously high priced market….

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Catching up with a friend at my favorite place to keep warm – Samovar Tea Bar.

I hope you have a wonderful, manicured weekend!

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