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hayes valley


Scenes From The Week

July 13, 2017

San Francisco is one of those cities that you can continue to dive into and rediscover old spots and new while taking in views that never get old. The Mr. and I decided to head out last Saturday and walk from one end of the city to the other with our pup and stop in some favorite spots that you might recognize { such as the photo above of the “Painted Ladies” } as well as a new spot, Anina, in…

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Design My SF

MySF: Anina in Hayes Valley

This past Saturday we headed out for an urban hike taking us from the Mission District to the Marina District with our pup, Rufus, in tow. We made a stop in Hayes Valley, a unique district that is great for strolling, grabbing a bite,…

July 9, 2017
Design Lifestyle

A taste of Mexico City in San Francisco

Living in a city where new hot restaurants pop up almost daily, keeping up with them all can be hard.  Those who live here are the lucky ones always with somewhere new to try, but we are tough on those that are good but…

October 4, 2015

My Manicured Life

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