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Design My Clickable Sunday

My Clickable Sunday

April 2, 2017

As with every Sunday, here are the links that made me laugh, smile, and feel inspired…

{{ Started binging on S Town from Serial and This American Life – this podcast make my drives from client to client and vendor to vendor that much more enjoyable – I may or may not have sat in the car listening even when parked.

{{ Ever wonder what Carrie Bradshaw would have worn if the tutu wasn’t an option – find out here.

{{ The new superfood you will soon not stop hearing about.

{{ A vintage Airstream transformed – I simply can’t get enough of these.

{{ Coachella anyone? Yep, San Francisco’s 9th Goat festival returns this month.

I hope you have a lovely, manicured Sunday

Images Via:  Tufted // Coffee // Cutlery // Nursery

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